...it's that rockin' time of year again
Last year we collected and gifted 40 iPods - this year we are going for 50!
The Healing Hunter Foundation will be celebrating Hunter's birthday on a national level this year - woop woop!! Every child battling cancer at Doernbecher Children's Hospital and Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel will receive an iPod Touch and then awesome lil' cancer warriors from across the nation that need a lil' wigglin' smile can also request one :)
If you'd like to participate and gift an iPod to an amazing cancer warrior, it's a $200 donation. You can donate online, send in a check, or send in an actual iPod!
If you know of a lil' warrior whose day will be just a little bit brighter by receiving one of these extremely generous gifts in the mail, send in the information below to Lenore@HealingHunterFoundation.Org and we'll get some special Hunter lovin' out in the mail!!
(iPods will be delivered on September 19th in honor of Hunter's birthday on September 21st).
Let the Hunter LOVE begin!!!!!!!!!!
Healing Hunter Foundation's iPod Birthday BASH 2014 *